
iPhone SE (2nd generation)

iPhone SE is the most powerful 4.7-inch iPhone ever.¹ Featuring A13 Bionic, the fastest chip in a smartphone, for incredible performance in apps, games, and photography. Portrait mode for studio-quality portraits and six lighting effects. Next-generation Smart HDR for incredible detail across highlights and shadows. Cinematic-quality 4K video. And all the advanced features of iOS. With long battery life² and water resistance
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4.7-inch Retina HD display¹

Water and dust resistant (1 meter for up to 30 minutes, IP67)³

12MP Wide camera; Portrait mode, Portrait Lighting, Depth Control, next-generation Smart HDR, and 4K video

7MP front camera with Portrait mode, Portrait Lighting, and Depth Control

Touch ID for secure authentication and Apple Pay

A13 Bionic chip with third-generation Neural Engine

Fast-charge capable

Wireless charging⁴

iOS 13 with Dark Mode, new tools for editing photos and video, and new privacy features

¹Display size is measured diagonally.

²Battery life varies by use and configuration. See for more information.

³iPhone SE is splash, water, and dust resistant and was tested under controlled laboratory conditions; iPhone SE has a rating of IP67 under IEC standard 60529 (maximum depth of 1 meter up to 30 minutes).

Splash, water, and dust resistance are not permanent conditions and resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. Do not attempt to charge a wet iPhone; refer to the user guide for cleaning and drying instructions. Liquid damage not covered under warranty.

⁴Qi wireless chargers sold separately.